Monday, August 31, 2009 the morning??!! Am I nuts?

I did some searching on the web last night on how to lose weight quickly.  I am going to Disneyworld in two weeks and wanted to see about losing some weight as I always put on a few pounds while there.

So, I found this site:

Basically, it was to encourage me to get up and exercise first thing in the morning.  Two comments on that:

1.  Being out of shape and lazy, it is very difficult to get out of bed early enough to fit in exercise.  For me, that means getting up at 6:00 am which is hard when I am usually up with my wife until 11:30pm (by choice of course).
2.  Are they nuts??

So, maybe it is better than exercising later in the day.  Logically, I can understand the science behind it.  But, at 6:00 am, I can barely drag myself out of my comfortable bed and stumble my way to the shower, much less try to exercise for 30 minutes.

For a better and healthier life, I know I have to change this mentality.  Let's see if I can find time somewhere today to exercise.  My instinct however, as I am working from home today, is just to curl up on the couch with my laptop and spend the day online working.

If I type super fast, my fingers will get exercise, right?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Where to begin...

So, being new to blogging and not knowing the first thing about where to start...I will start with a little more about me.  Here is what I can tell you straight off:
  1. There is nothing extraordinary about me.  I am your average person just doing what it takes to get by.
  2. I am always 100% honest.  So, starting with my title to my blog, you can tell a lot about me.  I am
    • Overweight
    • Very Lazy (it is amazing how many projects I will start and not finish - so who knows where this will go)
    • I am a guy.
I can also tell you this one additional thing about it...

I have decided that now is the time to change (I think this is attempt # 293 to do so).  What makes this time different?  This time I have a blog and...well, nothing else.  I am staring my own mortality in the face at 38 (although I am not dying, the way I live my fat/lazy life, I cannot be around long) and working on trying to do what I need to do to be around for my wife and my children. 

So, what thoughts do I have going into this life changing I am hoping to do with no place to start?   Let's start with these:

- Where does one begin to take the first step?
- What area of my life do I start in?  Laziness?  Weight?  Attention to family?
- Is there any chance I will succeed where I have had zero success before (measuring success as something I am able to carry with me more than just a few weeks)?

Here is hoping that this time is the charm!!