Monday, August 31, 2009 the morning??!! Am I nuts?

I did some searching on the web last night on how to lose weight quickly.  I am going to Disneyworld in two weeks and wanted to see about losing some weight as I always put on a few pounds while there.

So, I found this site:

Basically, it was to encourage me to get up and exercise first thing in the morning.  Two comments on that:

1.  Being out of shape and lazy, it is very difficult to get out of bed early enough to fit in exercise.  For me, that means getting up at 6:00 am which is hard when I am usually up with my wife until 11:30pm (by choice of course).
2.  Are they nuts??

So, maybe it is better than exercising later in the day.  Logically, I can understand the science behind it.  But, at 6:00 am, I can barely drag myself out of my comfortable bed and stumble my way to the shower, much less try to exercise for 30 minutes.

For a better and healthier life, I know I have to change this mentality.  Let's see if I can find time somewhere today to exercise.  My instinct however, as I am working from home today, is just to curl up on the couch with my laptop and spend the day online working.

If I type super fast, my fingers will get exercise, right?

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